Cosgrove Land Orders and Bylaws

The Manor of Cosgrove 1686

Orders and bylaws made and agreed upon by the Jury and homage and Assented unto and Confirmed by the Steward at the Court Leet And Court Baron of the Right Honourable William Lord Maynard Baron of Eastans Holden for the said Manor the Six and Twentieth day of October 1686 in the Second yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King James the Second over England &c as Followeth.

1. It is ordered and Agreed that no person Shall keep above one Sheep for one acre and 4 Cowes for 20 acres and 2 horses for 20 Acres according to the Antient Customes and every Sheep Cow or horse over to pay for every sheep 4s for every horse over to pay 5s every Cow 4s to the Lord of this Mannor

2. It is Ordered and agreed that no persons shall take in any  Horses geldings Mares or Weaned Colts of any out Towne forrinors  or Strainers to goe or to be kept upon any parte of the Commons But shall Continually worke Such horses geldings Mares and Colts as other Inhabitants worke theirs upon paine to pay for every horse gelding Mare or Colt Soe kept Contrary to this order to the Lord of this Mannor for every default 10s

3. Its Ordered and agreed that no person shall set any Comons for any horses Mares Cowes Sheep or Bullocks but shall Imediately upon Such Setting thereof make it known to the feild Tellows upon paine to pay to the Lord of this Mannor for every horse Mare gelding Colt Cow Bullock and Sheep So set and not acquainted the feild Tellows as aforesaid for every default 3s 4d

4. Its ordered and agreed that no person Shall have any of their horses geldings Mares Colts kine Bullocks Calves Sheep or hogs to goe into the Tilth feild  without a keeper whereby they shall be kept off from the Winter Corn and Tilth upon paine for every one offending Contrary to this order to pay to the Lord of this Mannor for every default 3s 4d

5. It is ordered and agreed that no person shall plow breake up and dige up any grasse ground that is knowne to be antient grasse ground or Lamas ground upon paine to pay to the Lord of this Mannor for every acre of ground See plowed digged or broken up as aforesaid contrary to this order and every other peice  of ground be it more or lesse according to the Same Rate to forfeit XXs[20 shillings]

6. it is ordered and agreed that noe person shall breake up any Ridgways highways or ancient balkes upon paine for every one offending Contrary to this Order to forfeit to the Lord of this Manner for any default Xs [10 shillings]

7. it is Ordered and agreed that noe persons shall bring any lambs to goe and feed on the Commons that hath not been bred in the feilds of Cosgrave but the owners thereof shall have Commons for them as well as for Any other sheep upon paine for every lambe soe keept Contrary to this Order to forfeit to the Lord of this manner xijs [twelve shillings]

8. It is ordered and agreed that no person shall take in any sheepe of any Neighbours Fourenours or Straingers to goe or to be kept on the commons but shall fold such sheep on their ground as other Men fold upon theirs upon paine for every sheep soe going on old Commons contrary to this order to the Lord of the Manner to forfeit xijs [twelve shillings]

9. It is ordered and agreed that no person shall have any geese to goe or to be kept on the green or upon any part of old Commons upon pain for any Gander or Goose soe kept Contrary to this Order to forfeit to the Lord of this manner for every default xs [ten shillings]

10. It is Ordered and agreed that noe person shall take any horse common but for two horses mares Geldings or wained colts and noe more upon paine for every horse mare gelding and wained Colt soe kept xxs [twenty shillings]

11. It is Ordered and agreed that no person shall have any cattle as horses wained colts kine calves bullocks sheep and hogs to be kept upon any furlong of graine untill all the furlong be ended upon paine for every one offending contrary to this order to forfeit for every default to the Lord of this manner 5s   

12. It is ordered and agreed that noe person shall keep any kine or bullock or flitt any geldings horses mares or colts on any Ridgewayes or bolkes but on his ground on paine for every offending contrary to this Order to forfeit it for every default 5s

13. It is Ordered and agreed that all the bullocks shall be kept before the Common heard every one that offendeth contrary to this Order except they be kept on his own mound to forfeit for every default to the Lord of this manner 3s 4d

14. It is Ordered and agreed that all those that have any line bull bullockes or wained colts to goe in the feilds  or commons shall brand them twice in the year at on before the first day of May and at or before Lammas day upon paine for every cow bull bullock and Calfe for goeing in the commons not branded as aforesaid to forfeit for each default to the Lord of this manner 6d

15. It is Ordered and agreed that the Jury shall meet and come together whenever they shall be thereunto called by the bayleifs of the manner or fourmen of the Jury to set out Inrouchments and other misdemeances on every one of them shall then and their continue and not depart until such tyme as they have leave of the forman upon paine for every one offending contrary to this Order to forfeit to the Lord of this manner for every default 3s 4d

16. It is Ordered and agreed that the Jury shall meet and come together whenever they shall be there unto called by the bayleifes of the manner or fourmen of the Jury to set out Inrouchments and other misdemeances on every one of them shall then and their continue and not depart until such tyme as they have leave of the forman upon paine for every one offending contrary to this Order to forfeit to the Lord of this manner for every default 5s

17. It is Ordered and agreed that noe horse mare or Colt shall be put into the Whitsun pasture till the 24th of June yearly upon paine for every one offending to pay to the Lord of this manner 5s

18. It is Ordered and agreed that noe beaste or bullocks horse mare or Colts commons shall be let out of the towne upon paine for every beaste soe taken contrary to this Order to be forfeit to the Lord of this manner 5s

19. It is Ordered and agreed that noe sheep that shall come to washe shall continue upon the green above the two houres time after their washing upon paine for every default soe taken to forfeit to the Lord of this manner xs[ten shillings]

20. It is Ordered and agreed what sheep Bray Perry shall take to wash at his mill out of the towne shall goe noe further than the first gutter? upon the green against the Kill upon paine for every default taken upon the green the said Bray Perry shall forfeit to the Lord of this manner 2s 6d

21. It is Ordered and agreed that the feild tellers shall have for their pains four penie a drift for all cattell that are found by them to over charge the Commons to be paid by the owners of such cattell upon paine for every one refuseing to forfeit it to the Lord of the manner 2s

22. It is Ordered and agreed that all those that have cottage lands are to their equall proportions to the hewards levyd upon paine for every one refuseing to pay as aforesaid to forfeit to the Lord of this manner 2s 6d

23.It is Ordered and agreed that all the persons that have blocke or blockes upon the green or any other place of the commons or wast shall take them of by the first of february next under the paine of ten shillings to be forfeited to the Lord of the manner xs[ten shillings]

24. It is Ordered and agreed that noe sheep which comes to be washed at Bray Perry’s mill shall come any further upon the green then the gutter of John Merlons gate upon paine of every partie soe offending to forfeit to the Lord of this manner xs

25. It is Ordered and agreed that noe one holding a tenement shall keep above two beastes upon the Sevall field if they keep more to turne them before the heard upon paine of every partye soe offending to forfeit to the Lord of this manner 5s

26. It is Ordered and agreed that none shall Digg any Morter or Stone upon the Lord’s wast except the supervysor of the high ways for the illeg to the Lord of this Manner for every Load Seoffending 10s

27. [writing obliterated]

28. It is ordered and agreed that the Heward Shall have a penny for every hogg Pigg that he findeth unringed being pounded illeg

29. It is ordered and agreed that no person shall let or sett any sheep Commons but they shall take them for halfe a yeare (that is to say) from St Michaell till our Lady day and from Lady day till St Michaell upon paine for every on offending contrary to this order to forfeite to the Lord of this Manner

30. It is ordered and agreed that no horse Mares or Colts shall be put into any of the Meadows which belong to the severall feilds  except the be flit at nights upon paine for every horse Mare or Colt that shall be taken rept or loose at nights be missing fore harvest be home shall forfeit to the Lord of this Manner 10s

31. It is ordered and agreed that owners of all missing sheep kept within the parish of Cosgrave Shall brand his sheep missing with his usuall brand that the feild Tellors may knowe whose they missing upon paine of every one offending Contrary to this order missing shall forfeit to the Lord of this Manner 10s

32. It is ordered and agreed that no Sheep nor lamb shall be put out into the green Untill St Michaell day upon paine for every one Se offending Contrary to this Order Shall forfeit to the Lord of this Manner 10s

33. It is ordered and agreed that all these oure orders shall be in force untill the next Court

34. It is ordered and agreed that whensoever the Quarey feild shall be ether of eaile styble or wheate stuble it shall be hained from sheep till St Luke upon paine forfeiting to the Lord of this Manner for every default one shilling a sheep

35. It is [rest crossed out]

Odee doe order and Agree that henry Rigbee or Christopher Rigbe the Elder doe make of Canel to be made a passable way off the loer end of bifelds Clos one North side Next long Clos for all maner of Cattell to pas out of the mors feild in to the middle ffeild or place Called e the stockings acordin to the Anincunt Custom upon  paine to forfeit to the Lord xxs a piece if the same bee not done before St Andrew next

41 Edee doe order and agree that all these our orders shall stand and bee in fforce until the Next Cort

36. …. Order that only mares and Colts shall bee fflitted in the severall feilds  near the Carn.. and fe… after the Coll… .. month illeg paine to fforeit to the Lord of the Manner illeg

Mannor of Cosgrave in the County of Northampton 1715

Orders and by Laws Made by the Jurors att the Court Leet and Court Baron of William Gurney Gent of the said Manner holden ye 16th day of October 1715 and Continued by severall adjourments to the 19th of March in the same year

1. Imprimis it is ordered and agreed that no person shall keep above one sheep for one acre four Cowes for twenty Acres and two horses for twenty Acres according to the Antient Custom of Cosgrove whoever stocks contrary to this Order to forfett and pay to the Lord of this Mannor for every sheep one shilling and for every Cow five shillings and for every horse tenn shillings

2.Item it is ordered and agreed that every person that hath Commons within ye parish and comon fields of cosgrave shall on the 20th of Aprill next meet att the house of John Orchard known by the sign of the Hen and Chickens in Cosgrave aforesaid and give an account of what horse Commons and Cows Commons they will keep that yeare, and if all the persons that have Commons doe not stock the same themselves then the four field tellers shall not sett the said unstocked Commons to the Towns men that will take them but not to letting any Common or Commons to any out Town person yt lives out of the Constabulick of Cosgrave aforesaid and the money arising from such letting of Commons shall be equally devided by the four field tellers and paid to such person or persons in proportion for the Commons they doe not stock every horse Common to be let at tenn shillings every Cow Common att five shillings every Bullock or heifer that hath had a Calf at two shillings six pence and every weaning Calfe att one seve to themselves a forth part of the money so arising for their care and pains and whosoever offends contrary to this order shall forfitt to the Lord of this Mannor for every horse tenn shillings for every Cow five shillings and for every Bullock or heifer that never had a Calf two shillings six pence for every weaneing calfe one shilling provided nevertheless and it is hereby agreed and intended that the field tellers shall take care and let the commons of such persons that shall be unstocked who hath the greatest number lying unstocked and so form time to time persue that method in letting of Commons that every inhabitant or farmer may not be injured but have an equall benefit of their Commons in proportion with each other according to their Commons

3.Item it is also ordered and agreed that when the Quarry field shall be either wheat stubble or pease stubble it shall be hained from any sheep or Lambs being kept there untell St Luke every year and when the said Quarry field is fallow then the Moores field shall be hained until St Luke yearly whoever offendeth contrary to this order shall forfitt to the Lord of this Manner for every sheep one shilling for every Lambe six pence

4. Item it is ordered and agreed that no Mannor of Cattle shall be brought upon any furlong to feed till such furlong be rid and the grain carryed of Every one breaking this order to forfitt to the Lord of the Manner for every such offence tenn shillings

5. Item it is ordered and agreed that the Tilth field shall be heined at St Luke when the sheep go into the stubble field from all Manner of Cattle to prevent stocking and spoileing the said field every one offending contrary to this order shall pay to the Heyward a double pinlock (that is to say) four penie and to the Lord of the Manner one shilling

6. Item it is ordered and agreed that all horses Cows Bullocks shall be branded twice in the year that go upon the green and Common fields in Cosgrave (that is to say) att or before the third day of May and also at or before Lamas day every one ofending contrary to this order to pay to the Heyward a duble pinlock and to the Lord of the Manner one shilling for a horse and six pence for a Cow and three pence for a bullock

7.Item it is ordered and agreed that the field tellers shall lett the intercoming of the Commoners with Thomas French in the Midsummer plot to the said Thomas French for three years from Lady day next at a Guiney a year who proposes to take the same att that rate and shall also let the intercoming of the Commoners with John Smith in watter Close for three years from Lady day next to the said John Smith at twenty shillings per ann when severall and thirty shillings per ann when fallow who offers to take the same accordingly and the Money Rising from the said Midsummer plot and watter course to half yearly received by the field tellers and applyed by them half yearly or yearly in proportion to make good such of the inhabitants and farmers Commons as shall ly dead and if any Commoner shall go about to disturb or hinde the said Thomas French and John Smith in the enjoyment of the same persuant to such agreement shall forfitt and pay to the Lord of the Manner one Pound for every hinderance or disturbance

8. Item it is also agreed that the field tellers chosen at this Court shall continue field tellers for the three years from the Sixteenth of October last or untill another court shall be holden for the said Manner

9. Item it is ordered and agreed that the Jury shall meet and come together wheresoever they shall be required by the Bayliff of the Mannor or the ffore Man of the Jury to set Incroachments and other Misdemeanours and every one of them shall then and there continue and not depart untill such time as they shall have leave of the fore man upon pain for every one offending contrary to this order to forfitt and pay to the Lord of this Manner five shillings

10. Item it is ordered and agreed that all those orders and by Laws shall stand in force for three years from the Sixteenth of October last or untill another Court shall be holden for the said Manner